American Association of Diabetes Educators Apps

AADE Diabetes Goal Tracker 3.03
The American Association of Diabetes Educatorsis proud to present Goal Tracker, a comprehensive self-managementtool for people living with diabetes. Goal Tracker allows you toset and track self-care goals and empowers you to make thebehavioral changes necessary to maintain good health and reduce therisk of developing diabetes-related complications.We know life gets busy. To help you stay on track with your goals,Goal Tracker has customizable reminders to check-in on how you’redoing and make personal notes on your progress.Who better to learn from than other people living with diabetes?Goal Tracker gives you the option to share completed goals with oneanother, providing you a source of inspiration andmotivation.We have also loaded Goal Tracker with useful information to helpyou:• Understand how diabetes affects your body• Take action to manage your diabetes• Learn tips on setting realistic goalsIn additional Goal Tracker has features that help you focus on the7 different areas of diabetes management: healthy eating, beingactive, monitoring, taking medication, problem solving, reducingrisks and healthy coping.Make your goals a reality, and start living healthier today withGoal Tracker!
Diabetes & Me 1.0
Estas guías proporcionan una informaciónbásica acerca de los siete ámbitos diferentes para centrarse en elmomento en que intenta controlar su diabetes. Cada uno incluyealgunos hechos, sugerencias, consejos y actividades que lepermitirá comenzar a su auto-cuidado y refuerzan algunas de laslecciones que se aprenden en las sesiones de educación sobre ladiabetes.(These handouts provide some basic information about the sevendifferent areas to focus on when you are trying to manage yourdiabetes. Each one includes some facts, tips, advice and activitiesthat will get you started on your self-care and reinforce some ofthe lessons you learn in your diabetes education sessions.)